What You Need To Know About Tax Planning For Small Business

What You Need To Know About Tax Planning For Small Business

Some small business owners make the mistake of failing to think about their taxes until the time for filing is drawing close. Instead, tax planning should be a continuing process. At Thomas M. Ditullio Accounting, our team of professionals understands the importance of tax planning, and we work closely with our clients to help them to save money when they file.

What is tax planning for small businesses?

When you engage in tax planning, it involves the process of considering your different options in order to inform you about how you should conduct your transactions in such a way that you might be able to reduce or eliminate your tax liability. Reviewing your expenses and income each month and meeting with your tax professional at Thomas M. Ditullio Accounting at least quarterly might help you to analyze how to take advantage of the deductions, credits and tax provisions that are available to you. It is important for you to understand that using the provisions fraudulently in order to reduce your business’s tax liabilities is considered to be illegal tax evasion. Tax planning is instead a legal way to help you to reduce the tax burden that your business might otherwise face.

Factors that the IRS may consider when it is determining fraud

There are four primary areas that the IRS tends to focus on in order to determine whether or not a business has committed fraud, these include:

It is very important that you avoid these improper tax strategies.

Strategies for small business tax planning

There are numerous tax strategies that you may have available to you. Your tax planning strategy should be based on its structure in order to accomplish some of the following goals:

  • Getting a lower tax rate
  • Reducing your taxable income
  • Claiming the available credits and deductions
  • Controlling when taxes have to be paid
  • Minimizing the effect of the alternative minimum tax
  • Avoiding tax errors

It can be very difficult to come up with exact estimates, but you are likely already projecting your revenues, cash flow and income for your general planning purposes. The more accurate that your estimates are, the likelier that your tax planning efforts will be successful.

Business entertainment expenses

One legitimate type of deduction that may be available to your business is a deduction for business entertainment expenses. As long as you follow the specific guidelines, these expenses may help you to lower your tax bill. To qualify, the expense must have been incurred either after, during or before a business discussion. The location must be one that is reasonably conducive for business. For example, while a quiet restaurant may pass muster, it is unlikely that a dance club will. Locations that are generally considered to be too distracting include sporting events, hunting trips, skiing trips and theaters. You may take up to 50 percent of your entertainment expenses as a deduction, but you must have good records to support them. The purpose of the meeting must have been arranged for business purposes.

Automobile deductions for businesses

Certain deductions for maintenance and operating costs for your vehicle may be deductible as business expenses if you use it to conduct business. You may be able to deduct the mileage expenses that are allowed by the IRS. The amounts change from year to year, so you will want to talk about the amounts with your tax professional at Tom Ditullio Accounting.

You might be able to maximize your available vehicle deductions if you own two vehicles by including both in your deductions. Your business miles that are driven are determined by your business use. To figure that out, you divide the business miles that were driven by the total miles for each vehicle. This can result in substantial deductions. It is very important that you keep good records, including mileage logs and receipts.

Time spent working at home

Understanding the home office deduction is important, but it is also complicated. If you have a home office, you will need to understand how to conduct business at home in a manner that will allow you to take the deduction. In order to deduct home office space, it must be located in a room that is not used for other purposes. You should also make its purpose stand out by displaying your business phone number and business address on business cards, having your business visitors sign a guest book when they visit and keeping a time and work activity log. You should also keep copies of all of your paid invoice and your receipts. This helps by making it significantly easier to figure out the percentages that should be allocated to your business use of your home.

Under Section 179 of the tax code, you can take immediate deductions for qualified business property that you purchase up to a certain limit. The equipment may be used or new, and it includes some software expenses. Even if you do not qualify for the home office deduction, there may be some deductions that you can still take. Meeting with your tax professional can help you to figure out what deductions might be available to you. To learn more about tax planning, contact Thomas M. Ditullio Accounting today by calling us at 856.228.2205.

How To Amend Your Tax Return To Fix A Filing Mistake

How To Amend Your Tax Return To Fix A Filing Mistake

If you discover that you made an error on a tax return after you have already filed it, you may be very worried about what will happen. The Internal Revenue Service recognizes that people sometimes make mistakes on their tax returns, and the agency provides a form that you can use to amend your return in order to make corrections. It is important for you to understand when you should use 1040X to amend your return and when it is unnecessary. Not all mistakes need to be corrected.

Situations when you should file a 1040X

There are several types of errors that should lead you to amend your tax return. If you purposely reported incorrect information in order to try to avoid paying taxes, it is important for you to amend your return in order to correct it. The IRS is unlikely to prosecute you for the original error so long as you amend your return with the correct information. You should also do so as soon as possible to limit the penalties and interest that you might otherwise have to pay.

Other situations which should prompt you to file an amended return include such things as correcting the dependents that you claimed if you were confused about whether or not another person qualified as your dependent or changing your filing status. For instance, if you filed as single after getting a divorce but should have filed as single, head-of-household, that should prompt an amended return because you may have been owed a larger refund than what you received. If you receive a 1099 form after you have filed your return, you should amend it to add the information from the 1099 that you innocently left out.

Deadlines are important

You can only file a 1040X within three years of when you originally filed your return. You also are not able to change your status from married filing separately to a joint return after you have filed your taxes. It is important that you file your amended return as soon as possible so that penalties and interest do not continue to accrue and so that you can receive any refunds that you might be owed.

It is a good idea to get help with your small business tax returns from a professional at Thomas M. Ditullio Accounting. With our help, you can avoid the common mistakes that can lead to problems. Call us today to schedule an appointment and to learn about how we can help you.

How To Choose The Best Accounting Software For Your Business

How To Choose The Best Accounting Software For Your Business

As a small business owner, you may find the available accounting software choices to be overwhelming. There are several things that you should consider when you are trying to choose an accounting software, including the money that you have available to pay for it, the needs that you have and the features that your business requires. Here is what Thomas M. Ditullio Accounting recommends to help you choose the software that will work best for your accounting needs.

Your budget

You can find accounting software at a variety of price levels, depending on the particular features that you choose. Many providers have subscriptions that are available for different packages, and some providers offer free versions with limited functionality or users. For paid subscriptions, you can expect a price range from under $10 per month to up to $40 per month. Additional features increase the costs and include such things as the following:

  • Tracking expenses
  • Recurring invoices
  • Tracking sales
  • Past-due billing
  • Payroll services
  • Team functions
  • Company branding
  • Advanced reporting capabilities

Your needs

It is important for you to think about why you need accounting software. Some businesses are able to make do with handwritten ledgers, but most need the ability to use software to improve the ease and efficiency of their accounting practices.

If your business is new, using software from the beginning can help your business in the future. It’s much better to begin with accounting software than trying to implement it months or years down the line. If you have a growing business, manual systems can become too complex and inefficient, leading you to need to use software. Similarly, if you require immediate access to accounting information, software can be used to quickly give you the numbers, names, addresses and credit histories that you need.

The software can be used to help your business to streamline its operations. The various tasks can be integrated to help you understand and track how your business is doing and to keep up-to-date with your expense tracking. You may already have software but have found that it is too complicated. If this is the case, you may want to find a software package that is simpler to use. Finally, if you want to make certain that you are complying with the applicable regulations and laws, a good accounting software system can help.

Choosing the features

There are numerous available functions and capabilities offered by various types of accounting software programs. Most small business owners look for time savings and ease of use as the foremost features that they are looking for. A good software package should include the ability to tailor it to your needs and to help you to see your business’s big picture. Some of the available features might include the following:

  • Performing basic accounting tasks
  • Automating billing, payments, notifications and other processes
  • Creating estimates and quotes
  • Preparing taxes
  • Allowing multiple users
  • Processing payroll
  • Allowing mobile access
  • Integrating with third-party applications and tools

There are a number of other benefits that you might receive from your accounting software. Some packages offer all-in-one solutions, simple interfaces, reduced stress, tracking capabilities and do-it-yourself solutions. You’ll want to think carefully about what features you’d like as well as what you need in the context of your available budget.

Picking the right accounting software

When you are trying to find the accounting software that will work best for your business, you’ll want to ask vendors a number of questions. Ask if their product is designed for small businesses and if it is a good fit for your industry. You’ll also want to find out if the company offers customized solutions, the number of employees and clients the software can accommodate and whether or not the software helps your business to comply with regulations and tax laws. Finding out how your data is backed up and protected is also important, and it makes sense to ask about the security measures, the total cost and whether or not there are setup fees involved. Finally, you’ll want to find out about the vendor’s customer service and technical support that it offers.

Choosing a good accounting software is important for your business. In order to make certain that your information is accurate, it is a good idea to get help from a professional at Thomas M. Ditullio Accounting. We can work with you and your software to help your business start on the path to success. To learn more, fill out our contact form today.

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