Tax Deductions for Small Business Owners Working From Home

Many small business owners have a space inside their homes where they work. These business owners can make certain deductions on their taxes. Remember, there are a few rules from the IRS concerning these write-offs. If you want to know what tax deductions you can take, here are a few points to consider.

The “Exclusive Test”

While you may work out of your home, not all spaces can be claimed as a home office. According to the IRS, you must be able to show that a portion of your home is a principal place of business. You must exclusively use that space to work. If you don’t have a dedicated space in your home, you cannot take the home office deduction. This is known as the “exclusive test” by the IRS.

For example, a spare room in your home can be claimed as a business office and deducted from your taxes. However, you cannot claim a living room or bedroom because those areas are used for personal purposes. There are a few exceptions, such as individuals using their home as a daycare or businesses storing inventory in the home.

You must also be an independent contractor or registered business owner to take the home office deduction. Anyone working from home as a business employee is not eligible for the deduction. The IRS rules about this deduction can be confusing. If you have questions, our small business accounting services can help to address your concerns.

Will These Deductions Cause an Audit?

Some people worry whether taking the home office deduction will cause the IRS to audit their returns. Yes, the IRS does have strict rules, but you will not get an automatic audit with these deductions. There are ways to reduce your chances of an audit.

First, you will want to ensure you qualify for all those deductions. Maintain accurate records of your purchases and expenses. You will want to keep those personal and business expenses separate. The IRS has a system that can detect any red flags. For example, the system will compare your situation with others in your industry. Making higher claims than the average person in the industry could signal a problem with the IRS. Remember that IRS audits are rare, but you should always be prepared with the proper paperwork and documentation for your deductions.

Tax Deduction for a Home-Based Business

Those home office-related deductions are based on the percentage of space that you use for the business. You will need to divide your office’s square footage by your home’s total square footage. With that number, you can deduct the right percentage of each home expense. Sometimes, you can deduct your office’s homeowner’s insurance and association fees, mortgage insurance, and cleaning service. Utilities can also be deducted from your business taxes, including electricity, water, phone, and internet.

If you make upgrades or repairs to the space, then you can write those expenses off. However, the amount of the write-offs will depend on whether the repairs benefitted your office or the entire home. While you may want to deduct every expense for your home office, you really need to hire a professional to look over your business taxes.

Over the years, the IRS has been cracking down on fraudulent deductions. You want to make sure that these deductions are appropriate for your situation.

Other Business Expenses

What else can you deduct from your taxes? There are plenty of standard deductions for other business expenses. For something to be qualified as deductible, that expense must be considered “ordinary and necessary.” What does that mean? The expense must be common and also helpful for your industry. For example, you cannot take a lavish vacation and deduct the expenses, claiming it was a necessary part of your business.

There are some common business expenses for your taxes.

If your business manufactures products or purchases items for resale, then you can deduct the cost of goods sold. You may write off direct labor costs, factory overhead, storage fees, and the cost of the raw products on your taxes.

Capital expenses are the costs that are required to operate your business. There are three types of capital expenses: business assets, improvements, and startup costs.

You may deduct certain car expenses if you use the vehicle as a part of the business. Like the home office write-off, you can deduct a certain percentage of the car’s usage. For example, business owners can calculate the miles driven for business purposes to receive a deduction.

You might be able to deduct rental expenses if you do not own the business property. In some situations, the interest could be deducted if an owner borrowed money for the business. You can also deduct state, local, federal, and foreign taxes from your taxes.

Travel expenses are also eligible, but you can only claim them if you reimburse those costs under an accountable plan. Once again, travel expenses must be related to the business and not for personal use.

Any supplies or materials are deductible from your taxes. Plus, professional services are also considered a business expense. You can write off those fees from a lawyer, bookkeeper, or an accounting firm.

Finally, all of your business development and marketing expenses are eligible for a write-off. These business expenses are used to find and keep clients. With that, you can deduct them from your yearly taxes.

Many people are hesitant to take some deductions off their taxes. The IRS provides detailed explanations of these expenses on their website, which can help you determine what is eligible for a deduction. Completing your taxes can be challenging, especially for small business owners working from home. You may want to find an experienced accountant for your small business to help make the correct deductions on your taxes.

Need a South Jersey Accountant for Your Small Business?

At TMD Accounting, we have over 40 years of helping small businesses in the Gloucester County area. Our team can assist with your taxes, payroll, and bookkeeping needs. When you need a flexible and affordable option, we are here to help. Schedule a consultation by calling us at 856-228-2205.

What Is Financial Planning Why It Is Important In Business?

Do you need a financial plan for your small business? Creating these types of plans is a crucial step for any business owner. Financial planning can help you to make daily decisions for your business. By comparing numbers to actual results, you can make those crucial decisions regarding your financial future. Even with a one-person company, you should have a financial plan in place. Why are financial plans so important? Keep reading to learn more.

Financial Planning for Your Business

Financial planning is very vital to the success of your business. This planning usually allocates funds to specific areas of your business. Also, financial planning will determine how a company can achieve different objectives and goals. While you might think establishing a business is hard, creating a financial plan can be just as challenging without the right help. Businesses in all industries need to focus on financial planning. However, many small businesses will not use a financial planner because they think those services are too costly.

Financial planning is essential to the overall business operations. Small businesses can’t be financially stable and operate without confidence in their financial plans. Unfortunately, many companies will fail. In some situations, those failures are tied to a lack of financial planning.

What Can Financial Planning Do for Your Business?

There are many ways that a financial plan can affect your business. Small business accounting services can help implement a plan for you. Here is a look at a few of these benefits to financial planning.

Cash Management and Budget

When you have a financial plan in place, you can help organize your short-term budget. Many small businesses will experience variations in revenue on a monthly or seasonal basis. In simple terms, that can translate to a period when there is strong cash flow or a time when a shortage occurs.

Budgeting is a critical task for any business. When you plan out a budget, you can make those financial decisions and allocate funds for different projects. A smart budget will help generate profits while cutting losses and costs. Creating a reasonable budget without a financial plan can be challenging.

Financial plans can assist those struggling small businesses in getting a handle on their budget. Additionally, that financial plan gives companies deeper insight into funds, making it easier to see the bigger picture. You can even break down a complicated budget into more manageable, smaller steps.

Small business owners can consider these cycles by building a solid financial plan. During those slow times, these businesses can monitor those expenditures for low revenue periods. In many cases, poor cash management results in negative consequences, such as not making payroll for your employees.

You should structure your financial plan to have a cash cushion in case of downtimes. With a cash cushion, your small business can take advantage of special opportunities, including purchasing reduced-priced inventory from suppliers.

Long-Range View

On a daily basis, your small business may have to deal with issues or crises. It can be easy to focus on those problems, but that leaves you not thinking about any long-term goals. Unfortunately, that can take away from planning for the future, preventing businesses from growing. A financial plan allows a small business owner to see what expenditures are needed to keep the company on track and stay ahead of the competition. Think of a financial plan as a blueprint to implement the company’s performance for both short- and long-term goals.

Spot Trends

Over the course of a month, a business owner must make critical decisions. Often, it can be hard to tell if those decisions were successful. When you prepare your financial plan, you can set those quantifiable targets to compare with actual results throughout the year. For example, the owner can see if their increase in advertising expenditures led to more sales for the business. These sales trends for individual products can help the owner make decisions about allocating money for marketing.

Prioritizing Expenditures

When you allocate your capital and conserve those financial resources, it can lead to a successful business. These benefits of financial planning can help owners identify their most important expenditures, which can help improve efficiency, productivity, and marketability. Those decisions are often only made when cash is plentiful for the business. Even those well-capitalized corporations will prioritize their expenditures.

Measure Progress

During those early stages of the business, many owners will deal with numerous changes and have to work long hours. Sometimes, it can be difficult to tell whether any progress is being made or if serious problems are on the horizon. Seeing those actual results help small business owners to feel more confident in their decisions. On the other hand, if there is an issue, the owner can take the appropriate steps to correct it. A chart displaying steady revenue growth for each month is a great motivating factor for both new and experienced business owners.

Talk To an Experienced Accountant

If you need help with your financial planning, turn to TMD Accounting. We are a family-owned and -operated business that focuses on helping companies in all industries plan for the future. We offer a flexible, affordable, and convenient way to handle those financial responsibilities. You need to focus on growing your business, and we are the ones to help you.

Need a South Jersey accountant for my small business? Our accounting team is ready to help. Schedule your consultation by calling 1-856-228-2205.

Why Does my Small Business Need an Accountant?

You just started your own business. Do you need an accountant, or should you handle those responsibilities yourself? Many successful companies work closely with an accountant. These professionals will be able to guide your business through every financial stage. Here are a few reasons why your small business needs an accountant.

When To Work With an Accountant

Working with an accountant saves small businesses from lost time and money. Plus, they can alleviate some of the headaches when tackling financial responsibilities. Business owners should ask for help right from the start. Take a look at these vital points in your business when you need an accountant.

Forming Your Business

You should work with an accountant during those first stages of your business. These professionals can help you write a business plan. A plan can put your goals down on paper rather than taking the wait-and-see approach. Along with that, the accountant can advise you on the best entity structure for your business. You might think that a sole proprietorship is the best option, but an LLC could have additional benefits. Many accountants can even assist with bookkeeping services or help you set up the right software for the job.

Compliance and Tax Issues

After you have your business plan and bookkeeping software, you still need help from an accountant. Many businesses have to worry about compliance issues. These problems can be stumbling blocks for many owners. You might want to ask for assistance from an accountant. Sales tax compliance is a sore spot for many businesses. You must comply with local tax laws if you are shipping any products over a state line. While some bookkeeping apps can help, you need an accountant to get started.

Payroll is another consideration for many businesses. Labor and wage compliance issues have been known to sink profitable companies. Tax programs and apps can ensure you are always compliant with these issues. However, you will want an accountant to check in on a quarterly basis.

There are other reporting requirements to consider. You must send those reports to local licensing agencies or creditors. For those with complex tax issues, you might be liable for other types of taxes or fees. If you need to report on your financial position for credit purposes, make sure to work with a firm offering small business accounting services.

Do You Need an Accountant?

You might think that you can handle these responsibilities by yourself, but accounting is not a DIY task. Small businesses are more successful when they work with an accountant. Yes, you might be able to take on those basics, but you should consider working with an accountant for those complicated matters. These individuals are financial professionals who can help keep your business on track as you plan for the future.

You will want to work with an accountant throughout the year, not just during tax time. Many accountants will meet with you at the end of the year. They will go over your finances and discuss any issues concerning your taxes. Tax planning is not the only reason an accountant needs to meet with you. Specific compliance issues, such as payroll tax underpayments, are easier to fix before filing those year-end reports.

Don’t forget to take advantage of your accountant’s expertise throughout the year. Planning for your business should be a year-long process. It could be too late to prepare your small business for penalties or fees when tax time is nearing.

Accountants are there to help every step of the way. You should meet with your accountant on a quarterly basis. These meetings will ensure that everything is on track and that your business is growing correctly. Sometimes, a company can grow too fast, leading to problems down the road.

You always have to worry about your quarterly tax payments. As the income increases, so do tax liabilities. Your initial estimated tax payments may not be sufficient if you experience a surge in your business. By scheduling regular meetings with an accountant, you can avoid those underpayment surprises at tax time.

Often, business owners are too close to some problems. Yes, business owners know their company better than anyone, but looking past those blind spots can be difficult. With an accountant’s help, you can take a look at the big picture, which can help the business continue to grow.

Find a Small Business Accountant

Now that you know the importance of working with an accountant, you need to find the right one for the task. Even if you want to handle your finances by yourself, you should have an experienced accountant on hand to get solid advice. Think of an accountant as a small investment for your business. With their help, you can make the right decisions for your business. Remember, many successful companies work with an accountant for their financial needs. Now is the time to find a qualified accounting professional to assist with those financial duties for your small business.

Need an Accountant for My Small Business?

At TMD Accounting, we understand the needs of small businesses. Our family-owned and -operated accounting firm has been serving the residents of Gloucester County for over 40 years. We provide you with affordable, reliable, and convenient options for your small business accounting needs. Our team can help with taxes, bookkeeping, and payroll services. Don’t handle those essential responsibilities by yourself. Schedule your consultation by calling 1-856-228-2205.

Where Can I Find Accountants in South Jersey that Specialize in Small Business?

Do you need an accountant for your small business in New Jersey? Some owners might think that a software program or an app is the less expensive alternative. However, you need a seasoned professional to help with those expenses. An accountant helps save you money and makes your life so much easier. Now that you know the importance of a small business accountant, where can you find one in South Jersey?

Finding an Accountant That Specializes in Small Businesses

There are a lot of reasons for hiring a business accountant. When it comes to finding one that specializes in the needs of a small business, it can be a challenging task. You want to work with someone who has your best interests at heart. Also, they need the right experience to help manage those finances.

Search for a Small Business Accountant

If you do a quick Google search, you will see plenty of ads for small business accountants. While the internet can help kickstart that search, you don’t want to see the first person and hire them. An experienced accountant needs to provide you with sound advice about how to manage your business and money. You need the right type of small business accountant for those vital duties.

Consider looking for an accountant through referrals. You can ask your lawyer, banker, or business advisor to recommend a great accountant. Remember that not every accountant is a Certified Public Accountant (CPA). For an accountant to be a CPA, they must pass a specific exam. When you work with a CPA, you can be confident that the person is experienced and well-trained. CPAs need to renew their certification regularly. Those re-certifications provide their clients with the best up-to-date knowledge.

Hire Someone With Small Business Experience

Yes, hiring someone with small business experience makes all of the difference. Managing the finances of a small business can be complex. When you work with a business accountant, they can help you handle any complications that come with a small business.

Also, you will want to know if the accountant has experience in your particular industry. Some accountants will specialize in certain types of businesses. If your business is in a specific sector, you want to work with an advisor who can meet those needs. Always ask if the accountant has experience working with structured companies like yours. LLCs, sole proprietorships, and corporations all have different accounting requirements.

Ask About Other Services

Many accounting firms will offer both tax and auditing services. However, others may assist customers with bookkeeping, budget, payroll, risk assessment, and business valuation. Some highly qualified accountants will do more than those basic services.

You should think of your accountant as a valued advisor for your business. Professional small business accounting services become beneficial advisors. They can help you understand your financial capacity. When you work with an accountant that understands your small business, they can create a financial model from the beginning, helping expand your business in the future.

Discuss Billing

Finally, you need to know how much the accountant will bill for their services. Some will charge by the hour, ranging from $100 to $275. On the other hand, a few accountants do work on a monthly retainer. Like a business purchase, you can always shop around for options. Yes, accounting firms do quote their services. Take those quotes to look for the best one for your needs. Keep in mind that an expensive option is not always the best. However, when an accountant charges more, that individual will usually provide you with more services.

Hire Your Business Accountant in South Jersey

After talking to a few South Jersey accountants, you can move on to the next steps. If you have shopped around, you might be able to negotiate the fees. Remember that many accountants have a set pricing structure. Asking for a special rate is fine, but don’t expect it.

Once you have agreed on the price, consider drafting out the terms of an agreement in writing. With this document, you can outline the exact services, fees, and duration of work provided by the accountant. Detailing the terms will define the relationship between the accountant and your business. That document allows both parties to know what to expect from each other.

Finally, you can grow your business with the help of your accountant. If you want to make the most of your business relationship, make sure to communicate on a regular basis. You should try to talk to your accountant at least once a month. Following up with them can prevent any issues or surprises down the road.

Choose the Right Business Accountant for Your Small Business

With these steps, you can find the right small business accountant to help you save money and provide valuable financial advice. You could try to manage your finances by yourself, but that can take away from growing your business. A small business accountant will help with financial management, taxes, and many more business duties. You can invest your free time in improving and growing your business with their assistance.

Do I need an accountant for my small business? The answer is yes. At TMD Accounting, we offer flexible, reliable, and affordable ways to manage your small business finances. We have been in business for over 40 years in the Gloucester County area. Small businesses throughout South Jersey trust us with their financial services. You can schedule a consultation by calling 856-228-2205.

Tax Planning vs. Tax Preparation: What is the Difference?

Most taxpayers want to find ways to reduce how much they might have to pay in taxes. A good way to reduce your tax burden is to work with a tax professional. However, many people confuse tax preparation with tax planning. While both types of services are important, they have separate purposes. Here’s some information about the differences between tax preparation and tax planning from the accounting professionals at TMD Accounting.

Understanding Tax Preparation

Most Americans of working age are required to file income tax returns every year. However, the tax filing process can be complicated, leaving many people uncertain about how to file their tax returns properly. Mistakes made on your tax returns could result in you owing more money than you anticipated. Tax preparation services help with filing your tax returns and ensuring they are correct. Most tax preparers will offer help with filing your returns with local, state, and federal tax authorities.

Tax preparers use your financial information to fill out your income tax returns while complying with relevant laws. They also check to see whether you might qualify for deductions or credits that can reduce your tax bill. If your tax situation is complicated, hiring a professional tax preparation service can be helpful. Doing so can also be important if you have undergone recent changes in your life, including a job or household size change.

Understanding Tax Planning

While tax preparation is completed before you file your income tax returns, tax planning is a service that helps you to plan ahead to optimize your situation to minimize or avoid any tax consequences that you might face as a result of your financial decisions. Tax planning can help you make financial choices that are better for your overall financial situation.

Tax planning is geared toward helping you make proactive decisions about specific areas of your finances, including investments, retirement accounts, inheritances, estates, businesses, and charitable contributions that could impact your tax situation. While tax preparers might give you advice when they prepare your tax returns, their advice is typically general and not intended for you to use for proactive decision-making.

Accounting professionals that provide tax planning services thoroughly research to gain a solid understanding of both your current finances and your future goals so that they can make specific recommendations. If you want tax planning, you will need to ask your accountant specifically for this service so that they understand what you are wanting.

If you already use a tax preparer, you might need to look for a different tax professional for tax planning. many tax preparers are only trained to help their clients comply with their tax obligations and might not know enough about the system to make informed and knowledgeable recommendations.

Tax Planning Vs. Tax Preparation

Since you likely are required to file annual income tax returns, you will likely benefit from tax preparation services. You can either choose to complete and file your return by yourself or get help from a tax preparer. If your tax situation is complex, it might be worthwhile to get professional help to prepare your tax returns. A professional tax preparer can ensure you complete your tax returns correctly and claim the deductions and credits for which you are eligible. This can help you to save money.

While tax planning is not essential for everyone, it is worthwhile for many people. Many decisions you make about your finances could have a large impact on your taxes for years. Understanding the impacts your financial choices might cause can help you make better decisions that can also play a role in your overall financial planning.

Why the Assistance of Tax Professionals Is Beneficial

Tax professionals offer a substantial amount of knowledge about the tax laws and how they can impact both how much taxes you might owe and your overall financial picture. Taxes are complicated, and the federal tax code contains more than one million words. Most people do not have a good understanding of the U.S. tax system and the rules that you can use to save money.

Tax professionals can help to eliminate a lot of uncertainty. Even if you only work with a tax preparer, they can help you claim credits and deductions that you were not previously aware of. If you hire a tax planning professional, you might derive even greater tax benefits. A tax planning professional can help you understand how to plan for retirement, invest, and leverage charitable contributions for the greatest benefits. They can also help you understand how your financial goals might affect your tax situation.

Working with tax professionals also offers you some peace of mind. You won’t have to worry nearly as much if you are selected for an audit. A professional is less likely to make errors on your tax return.

Finally, tax professionals can help to optimize your financial plans. When you work with a tax planning professional, you might find that it is easier to make otherwise stressful financial choices and follow through with them because you will know what the likely outcomes will be.

Both tax preparation and tax planning can offer numerous benefits that you can benefit from. However, they are different services. Understanding your financial needs can help you determine which of these services you might need or possibly help you to determine that you might need both.

Contact TMD Accounting to Find an Accountant for My Small Business

If you want help with tax planning and tax preparation for either yourself or your small business, you should reach out to the professional accountants at TMD Accounting. We offer small business accounting services and individual tax planning services and can help you understand your tax situation and guide you toward reaching your financial goals while minimizing your tax burden. Call us today to schedule an appointment at 1-856-228-2205.

Assets vs. Liabilities: The Complete Breakdown

As a business owner, you want to keep an eye on your finances, including your expenses. When you process any transaction, it needs to be recorded in the books. For that reason, you need to know the difference between liabilities and assets. Here is a complete breakdown of these terms and what they mean for your small business.

The Difference Between Assets and Liabilities

Before you can know the differences, you need to understand these terms’ meanings. Liabilities are existing debts that a business owes to a vendor, organization, employee, lender, another business, or government agency. Many of these liabilities will help the business owner finance their company, such as a loan. On the other hand, assets are the resources or sums of value that a business owns. These assets can provide long-term benefits to the owner and also help to generate revenue.

You must list all liabilities and assets on a balance sheet, which is a vital financial document for any business.

What Is a Balance Sheet?

The balance sheet is one of the three fundamental financial statements for a business, along with a cash flow statement and income statement. The balance sheet lists the business’s total assets and how those assets are financed. Balance sheets could be called a statement of financial position or net worth.

The balance sheet will be divided into two sections. All the company’s assets remain on the left side. A list of the liabilities and equity stays on the right. The liabilities and assets are separated into two categories: current and noncurrent. Liquid accounts, such as cash and inventory, are considered part of the current category. Property, equipment, and long-term debt will end up in the noncurrent categories.

Liabilities Examples

Liabilities are either long- or short-term. As previously mentioned, short-term liabilities are current liabilities, and those long-term ones are considered noncurrent. Current liabilities often include credit card balances, accrued expenses, unpaid invoices, and payroll taxes. Noncurrent liabilities are leases, deferred tax payments, and mortgage loans. You must pay those short-term liabilities within one year of incurring the debt. Long-term liabilities are often paid over several years.

Examples of Assets

Similar to liabilities, businesses can also have noncurrent and current assets. A current asset is known as a short-term one, while noncurrent assets are long-term. Current assets include investments, accounts receivable, cash, and inventory. Those noncurrent assets include equipment, trademarks, and patents. All of these items provide continual, long-term value to the businesses. However, you cannot convert noncurrent assets into cash within a year. Additionally, these long-term assets tend to depreciate over a period of time.

Along with that, assets are intangible or tangible. Intangible assets are non-physical items you cannot convert to cash, including trademarks, business licenses, logos, and patents. Tangible assets are physical items that you can easily convert to cash. These assets include bonds, equipment, and inventory.

Assets, Liabilities, and Equity

Once you figure out what you owe compared to what you own, you will want to know how much value is left over. That term is known as equity. You can figure that out by totaling your assets and subtracting those liabilities. For small business owners, your equity is the business’s net worth. If you have a partnership or sole proprietorship, the equity is often called the “owners equity” on the balance sheet. In a corporation, this equity is referred to as “shareholders’ equity.”

No matter the name, equity is vital to your company’s relationship between liabilities and assets. On the balance sheet, the assets equal the total returns plus the total equity. There are several accounting equations to use to determine these figures, such as:

  • Equity = Assets – Liabilities
  • Assets = Liabilities + Equity
  • Liabilities = Assets – Equity

With those equations, your small business accounting services can determine if the business finances through debt or uses its own funds to operate the company. However, these equations will only work for those who use the double-entry bookkeeping methods for their books.

Equity can affect both sides of these equations. If the business only has figures for equity and assets, it can easily calculate liabilities with no issues. Remember that bookkeeping and accounting can be tricky for any business owner. For that reason, hiring a professional to help calculate your assets, liabilities, and equity may be a good idea.

Do These Calculations Matter?

Liabilities, assets, and equity are essential for your business accounting system. With these numbers, you know how much you own, how much you have, and what is left over for your business. You will know where your money is at any given point in your business. These numbers ensure you do not make mistakes in recording those transactions.

Balancing liabilities, assets, and equity is the foundation of double-entry bookkeeping. Without knowing these calculations, you will not be able to understand your business’s finances. As a result, you could have a strong cash flow, but you may have an outstanding debt that eats away at your profits. With a better understanding of these terms, you can confidently know the financial health of your business.

At TMD Accounting, we help you track your assets, liabilities, and equity. Our experienced team can assist with your small business’s accounting, bookkeeping, and tax matters. We are a family-owned and -operated business that has been serving the Gloucester County area for over 40 years. You can count on us when you need an accountant for my small business. Schedule an appointment by calling 1-856-228-2205.

The Ultimate Guide to Independent Contractor Taxes – New Jersey

Independent contractors have to worry about federal income tax, self-employment tax, and local and state taxes when they file their returns. Sole proprietors use Schedule C with Form 1040 to report their business profits and losses to calculate the taxes they will have to pay. To avoid an underpayment penalty, independent contractors must also submit quarterly estimated tax payments each year. When you begin working for one or more companies, they should determine whether you should be treated as an independent contractor or employer based on several factors. If you are classified as an independent contractor, you will be responsible for paying both your portion and the employer’s portion of your taxes and will receive a 1099-NEC at the end of the year instead of a W-2 for your annual earnings. Here is what you need to know as an independent contractor about taxes from TMD Accounting.

Taxes Self-Employed People Must Pay

Independent contractors must pay federal, state, and local taxes and the federal self-employment tax. Here are the taxes self-employed people must pay:

  • Federal income tax at a rate ranging from 10% to 37% based on the total income for the tax year
  • Self-employment tax to pay into Medicare and Social Security with tax rates of 15.3% for net profits of up to $147,000 and 2.9% for net earnings above that amount
  • Additional federal taxes in some situations such as the net investment income tax, alternative minimum tax, and additional Medicare tax
  • State and local taxes, including income tax, registration and licensing fees, and business tax
  • Sales tax if you sell goods
  • Excise tax if you sell items such as guns, cigarettes, alcohol, or telephone services

Understanding the Self-Employment Tax

The self-employment tax includes a 12.4% Social Security tax on your net profits up to $147,000 and a 2.9% Medicare tax on all net earnings. This means you will pay a total self-employment tax of 15.3% on your earnings up to $147,000 and 2.9% on any earnings above that amount. If you have net earnings of more than $200,000 as a single taxpayer or $250,000 as a joint filer, you might also have to pay an additional 0.9% Medicare tax.

Available Deductions for Independent Contractors

There are many different deductions that might be available to independent contractors, including the following:

  • Home office deduction for contractors who work from home and use the office space solely for business purposes on a regular basis
  • Health insurance premiums
  • Retirement plan contributions
  • Depreciation of your equipment, machinery, and furnishings for your office and business use
  • Truck and auto expenses if used for work
  • The qualified business income deduction
  • Expenses for outside services and contract labor
  • Miscellaneous business expenses

Preparing to File Your Taxes as an Independent Contractor

Before you file your taxes, it is important for you to organize everything. You will need to know the gross amount you made as an independent contractor and how much you spent on tax-deductible expenses. Gather your 1099-NECs, profit and loss statements, expense statements and bills, receipts, and other relevant documents together.

Report Income and Deductions on Schedule C

When you fill out your Form 1040, you will use Schedule C to report your business income and deductions. You will report other sources of income, including rental income, dividends, and interest on Form 1040.

Report Net Self-Employment Income on Schedule SE

Once you complete Schedule C, you will then carry over the self-employment income to Schedule SE to calculate your self-employment tax. The self-employment tax will then need to be entered in your Form 1040 tax section.

Complete Form 1040

On your Form 1040, you will include all of your other non-business income. You can also claim non-business deductions on Form 1040, including things like student loan interest, charitable donations, self-employed health insurance, itemized deductions, and others.

Calculate Your Federal Taxes

When you enter everything into your Form 1040 and perform the calculations, you will see your total federal tax obligation. After you subtract your estimated tax payments made during the year, you will either owe taxes or have an expected refund.

Estimate Your Taxes for the Next Tax Year

As a self-employed person, you will need to estimate the taxes you’ll likely owe in the next tax year so that you can divide that amount into quarterly estimated payments to send each quarter throughout the year.

Complete Your State Income Tax Return

Once you have completed your federal tax return, you will then need to complete your state return.

What Happens if You Can’t Pay?

If you can’t pay your taxes in full, you can complete Form 9465 to request an installment arrangement. However, you can’t owe more than $25,000 and must show that you do not have the means to pay your taxes. You will then have three years to pay. The IRS will penalize you for waiting to pay your taxes after the deadline. If you fail to file a tax return by the deadline, you will be assessed a 5% penalty for each month of the outstanding amount you owe but haven’t paid. If you submit your return on time but do not pay what you owe, the late payment penalty will be 0.5% of the tax owed for each month you are overdue.

Find an Accountant for My Small Business

Small business accounting services can help to make filing your taxes simpler. If you are self-employed, working with TMD Accounting might help to ensure your taxes are filed on time and correctly and that you claim the deductions that are available to you. Contact us today to schedule an appointment at 1-856-228-2205.

How to Find the Best Business Accountant for Your Small Business in South Jersey

Running your business is difficult enough without including managing your business’s finances and books. Financial management of your company can involve potential landmines. If you make a wrong choice, your business could lose money, face penalties, and deal with tax consequences. To make sure that you avoid accounting errors and ensure your books are accurate, you might consider hiring an accountant. Finding the right firm for your small business accounting needs will require you to know the steps to take. Here is some information to get you started from TMD Accounting.

Why Do I Need an Accountant for My Small Business?

If you’ve never worked with an accountant, you might not understand whether you need one for your business. There are multiple reasons why you should work with an accountant to help with your business’s finances. Some of the benefits an accountant can offer include the following:

  • Ensure the accuracy of your books
  • Assist your business with budgeting
  • Simplify tax filing
  • Provide strong device for business decisions
  • Answer your accounting questions
  • Ensure your bases are covered in the event of an audit

An accountant can ensure that your books are current and accurate. While accounting software can help with tracking day-to-day transactions, you should partner with an accountant to review your books on a regular basis.

Why Do I Need an Accountant for My Small Business?

Identify the Accounting Services You Need

Once you’ve decided that you should find an accountant, you will need to determine which accounting services you will need. Some of the types of services accountants offer include the following:

After you have determined which services your business needs from an accountant, you can move forward with searching for the best accounting firm to meet your needs by taking the following steps.

Ask for Referrals From Other Business Owners

A great way to narrow down your list of potential accountants is to ask others you trust for referrals. Ask your family, friends, and fellow business professionals for their recommendations of the accounting firms they trust. You can also ask your attorney or your banker for recommendations and ask members of your business network.

Once you have gathered several referrals, research the options by reading online reviews. Make sure the reviews you read are authentic by checking their consistency over time and the validity of the profiles that the reviews are attached to.

A business owner holding a compass and navigating through a sea of accounting service symbols, symbolizing the journey of finding the right services.

Research on Your Own

Whether or not you receive quality referrals, it is also a good idea to research on your own to find the best accountant. Try searching online, reading reviews, and looking at a business directory. When you read reviews, be sure and read both those that are positive and those that are negative. This can provide you with a picture of the experiences of others. If you identify accountants in a business directory, follow up by searching the firms online to read about others’ experiences. Once you have done your homework, you should have a list of a few prospective firms.

Interview Prospective Accountants

Once you have a list of a few accounting firms, schedule time with each one to interview them. This can help you see which accounting firm will be the right fit for your company. Prepare some questions to bring with you so that you know what to ask. Some of the types of questions you should consider include asking about their services, their fees and fee structures, any additional fees they charge for specific services, their communication methods, and the types of clients they typically do business with.
You should also ask about the accounting programs they use, their credentials, and their experience with businesses in your industry. You should ask more questions than you might think are necessary because doing so can help you identify red flags. For example, if an accountant overpromises, doesn’t have credentials, or seems to embellish their accomplishments, you might want to steer clear. Make sure to interview several accountants so that you can compare the pros and cons of each before you decide.

Choose Your Accounting Firm

Once you have interviewed potential accountants, you will need to make a decision about which one to hire. In addition to weighing the pros and cons of each one, make sure to consider whether you are compatible with the accountant you are considering. You will need to work closely with your accountant, so picking one you trust and believe you can do business with is important. After you decide on a firm, contact the accountant to get started.

Contact TMD Accounting

If you are searching for an accountant for your small business, it is important to take the necessary steps to research and interview several potential firms to ensure you find one that meets your business’s accounting needs. TMD Accounting has provided small business accounting services to many different businesses throughout New Jersey for 40 years and has extensive experience helping companies in a variety of different industries. To learn more about the services we can provide, contact us today to schedule a consultation by calling 1-856-228-2205.

Why Your Law Firm Needs a Specialized Accountant

Law firms have unique financial needs that must be addressed differently than how other types of businesses handle their finances. A law firm’s need for specialized accounting applies to both the firm’s business and accounting strategies and how they track and manage various types of accounts. Because of the requirements law firms have, they can benefit from working with accounting firms that offer small business accounting services to attorneys. TMD Accounting provides accounting services that focus on the unique accounting needs of law firms and can help your firm stay on track.

Help With Income Forecasting

Most law firms use billable hours to determine how much to charge clients. Many attorneys charge for their time in six- or 10-minute increments. Tracking billable hours can be a headache for many attorneys. To ensure that your firm is accurately determining its billing, we can help you transition to tools in the cloud to track your lawyers’ hours. Using the cloud can help you to accurately and efficiently track billable hours for every client while reducing or eliminating time losses. Many small- and mid-sized law firms contend with income fluctuations, which make managing your firm’s cash flow important to your success. Our accountants help law firms to manage accounts payable, create forecasts, and reduce the time involved with receiving payments for accounts receivable.

Optimizing Taxes

Employment agreements with attorneys can be structured by law firms in different ways. Some firms pay attorneys as independent contractors. Others hire lawyers as full-time, salaried employees. Some agreements might include profit-sharing or bonuses. What might work for your firm will depend on several factors. An accounting firm that specializes in providing services to law firms can help you choose the structure that works the best for your business.

In addition to your employment agreements, you also need to ensure that you have the right business structure. The business structure you choose for your law firm can affect the taxes you might pay. We can help you choose the structure that will provide you with the most tax advantages.

Tracking Trust Funds

Law firms must keep their clients’ funds in separate trust accounts and cannot commingle them with their other money. Many firms ask for retainers upfront before they begin work. Firms must follow strict rules when they hold client funds in a trust account for recordkeeping and client notification. It is critical for you to avoid commingling the funds with your firm’s money or using one client’s money to pay for services you provide to another client. If you mismanage your trust accounts, deposit funds in the wrong account, or fail to meet your recordkeeping and reporting requirements, you could face significant penalties, including the possible suspension of your law license. A specialized accountant can help to track client funds to ensure you avoid these types of mistakes.

Matter Cost Tracking

Law firms have both direct and indirect costs. You must correctly identify which costs are direct and indirect. The accounting for direct and indirect costs must be handled differently. Our accountants can help to identify which costs are direct or indirect and account for them properly.

How to Choose the Right Accounting Firm

Choosing the right accounting firm to handle your law firm’s accounting needs is important. Here are some tips to find the right legal accountant for your firm.

1. Ask About the Company’s Experience

While finding an experienced accountant is important, you want to find an accounting firm that has significant experience working with legal clients. Ask a prospective accounting firm about its experience working with law firms.

2. Ask About the Services Provided by the Firm

You will want to know about all of the services the accounting firm offers to law firms and their levels. For example, you will need to determine the degree of control you want to give the accounting firm over your bookkeeping. If you want comprehensive accounting services, you will want to look for a full-service firm. Some firms have bookkeepers to handle daily transactions. Others might charge more if you need to hire a certified public accountant to handle regular bookkeeping tasks.

3. Ask About Audit Support

It is a good idea for you to find an accounting firm that offers help in case your law firm is audited by the state or the Internal Revenue Service. The state licensing body can audit law firms to ensure they are accurately tracking and handling client funds, and the IRS audit can happen to anyone. Undergoing an audit can be stressful. If you have a trusted accountant’s help during an audit, it can greatly reduce your stress because you can feel confident in the accuracy of your financial data.

4. Ask About Fees

Accounting firms have different payment structures. Some charge flat fees for each task performed while others charge by the minute. You will want to understand your accountant’s fee structure so that you will know whether your accountant’s bill will increase each time you make a phone call or whether it will be calculated by task.

5. Ask for References

It is a good idea to ask other law firms about their experiences working with the accounting firm you are considering. Word-of-mouth referrals can help you determine which firms are known to provide good specialized services to law firms. You can also ask the firm you are considering to provide you with references from law firms that have used or currently use their services. Follow up with any references you are provided to ask about their experiences.

Talk to an Accountant for My Small Business

As an attorney, it is critical for you to carefully track your firm’s and your clients’ money. Working with an experienced accountant at TMD Accounting can help to ensure you meet your regulatory requirements and grow your practice. Contact us today for a consultation by calling 1-856-228-2205.

Cash vs. Accrual Basis of Accounting – What’s Best For Small Business?

Choosing the right accounting type for your small business can be a challenge. Cash and accrual accounting might seem similar, but choosing the wrong one can hurt your financial reports. When you know which one works for your purposes, you can keep all your books in order. Here are the differences between cash and accrual accounting.

What Is Cash Basis Accounting?

Before choosing the right accounting method, you need to know the basics. Let’s start with cash basis accounting. When you use these methods, you will record the income as it is received. All expenses are recorded when paid as well. With cash basis accounting, you only record the money when it enters or leaves the account. For example, if you have a restaurant that purchased supplies on credit for June but will not pay the bill until July, it is recorded as a July expense. With these accounting methods, you will not have any accounts payable or accounts receivable.

Since cash basis accounting is a simple way to track your financial records, many small businesses and sole proprietors use this method. If you make less than $25 million in annual sales with no direct-to-consumer merchandise, then cash basis accounting could be a good option. Cash basis accounting has a shorter learning curve than accrual accounting. There are a few items to record, making tracking your revenue and expenses more manageable.

Unfortunately, cash basis accounting does not provide you with the most accurate financial picture. You might think you have a high cash flow when it is just the result of your previous month’s work. Cash basis accounting does not conform to the GAAP standards. If you think your business will grow in the future, you might not want to choose this method.

What Is the Accrual Method?

With the accrual accounting methods, all expenses and incomes are recorded when earned and billed. This method abides by the generally accepted accounting principles (GAAP). With these methods, you will have a clearer picture of your finances. For example, if your business bills a client for $1,000 in March, you record that income for the month, even if the funds don’t reach your account until April. The same is done for expenses.

Some small businesses use accrual accounting as their primary method. However, if your company produces over $25 million in sales revenue during a three-year period, you must use the accrual method.

Many small business owners avoid accrual basis accounting because it is resource-intensive. There will be plenty of extra steps and paperwork associated with this method. You will need to have an adequate cash flow to ensure all bills are covered from month to month. Unfortunately, this method does not provide an accurate short-term view of your financial health.

Accrual Vs. Cash Basis: Which Is Better for Small Business?

Now that you know the basics of these accounting methods, it is time to choose the right one for your small business. If you have a small business that primarily takes cash transactions and does not have a large inventory of products, then the cash basis method might be the right choice for you. This method is a reliable, convenient, and easy way to track your expenses and revenue without knowing much about bookkeeping.

Accrual accounting is definitely the better option if you want an updated and accurate accounting of your company’s financial health. For the most part, accrual accounting can be a little intimidating. You can always hire small business accounting services to help with your finances. Here are some other factors to consider when choosing your accounting method.

Sales Revenue

You should take a look at your sales revenue. If you have more than $25 million in annual revenue, you must use the accrual methods according to GAAP. Many small businesses might not have hit that amount, but it could be a possibility in the future. Keep that in mind for your business.

Complexity of Your Business

Depending on the complexity of your books and industry, one accounting method might be the better choice. For example, you should avoid the cash-based accounting method if your business has multiple accounts, various LLCs, and hundreds of employees. With those methods, you will not be able to gather information about your financial picture from the balance sheets, cash flow statements, or income statements.

Public Company

According to the GAAP guidelines, if you have a public company or one that will go public in the future, you need to use the accrual basis. These types of businesses have to report an accurate view of their financial health to shareholders.

Final Word

Before choosing the right small business accounting method, you must thoroughly examine your company. While you can always switch the methods later, it can be a hassle and disrupt business. Many accounting tools and professional services help you accurately account for your financials. Whether you choose accrual or cash basis accounting, you always want to select the right option that will work for your business. Plus, you must make sure to stay compliant with those GAAP standards.

Do you need an accountant for my small business? Reach out to TMD Accounting. Whether you choose the cash basis or accrual accounting method, we will make sure you have an accurate record of your financial health. We have helped small businesses throughout Gloucester County for over 40 years. Schedule your consultation by calling 1-856-228-2205.

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