As a small business owner, you likely wear many hats, including managing your company’s books and accounts. Accounting and bookkeeping are vital functions for any small business, and it is easy to make costly mistakes. Payroll services for small business can also be very time-consuming in addition to your simply trying to keep up with your financial reports. It may be beneficial to you to consider trying to find an accountant who understands the principles of accounting. When you choose the accountants at Thomas M. DiTullio Accounting, you can free up your time and minimize the costly errors that might otherwise happen.

You might be wondering, “What do accountants do?” The accountants at Thomas M. DiTullio Accounting help small businesses with a broad range of accounting services, and we always follow the principles of accounting. Our service options cover everything from establishing your new business’s accounting functions to specialized business services. If you are wanting to find an accountant for small business, we can help you with all of your needs.
If you need to find a bookkeeper, TMD Accounting is also able to help you with that. Good bookkeeping should involve much more than simply giving you a bottom line number. It should instead provide useful information that you can use to see where your business is at whenever you need and also to make financial projections. We can manage all of your bookkeeping functions and are able to work with your existing software.
Payroll can be very time-consuming for small businesses. If you make mistakes on your payroll, it can also expose you to substantial penalties. By outsourcing your payroll needs to us, you can devote your time to the myriad of other tasks that are involved with running your business. We can make sure that all of the appropriate withholdings are made and submitted on time. We can either make direct deposits into your employees’ accounts or provide you with checks sealed in confidential envelopes.
When you need local tax preparers for your business taxes, we can help. Our tax services include helping your business with its quarterly taxes and with preparing your annual W-2s and 1099s. We can also advise you on different deductions for which your business might be eligible and make certain that your taxes are submitted on time.
Industries Served
- New Jersey Licensed Public Accountants
- National Society of Public Accountants
- New Jersey Association of Public Accountants
- Pennsylvania Association of Public Accountants
- National Association of Tax Practitioners
- American Society of Tax Professionals
- Institute of Tax Consultants
- South Jersey Business Association
Committed To Excellence For Nearly 40 Yrs
Thomas M. DiTullio has nearly 40 years of experience. Tom and his staff have a well deserved reputation for outstanding service in Gloucester County. Many of Tom’s clients have used his services for over 20 years. In addition to tax services, Tom DiTullio Accounting also offers payroll, and financial management. We offer many programs that are flexible, reliable, and most of all affordable.